Dram shop laws are designed to hold establishments accountable for serving alcohol to visibly intoxicated patrons who subsequently cause harm. These laws serve a critical role in promoting public safety by placing a duty of care on bars and restaurants. If a bar or restaurant negligently serves alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person, they can be held liable for any damages or injuries that result from that person’s actions. Understanding when and how an establishment can be held responsible is essential for victims seeking resolution and compensation.

Nobody deserves to pay the financial or physical price of someone else’s negligence. At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we understand the challenges you face and are here to provide the support and legal guidance you need. Our dedicated team knows how overwhelming navigating the legal system can be, especially when dealing with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident. Fill out our contact form to learn more about how we can help.

When Can a Bar or Restaurant Be Held Liable?

Dram shop laws are designed to hold establishments that serve alcohol accountable for the actions of their intoxicated patrons. These laws aim to prevent over-serving and encourage responsible alcohol service. In Texas, a bar or restaurant can be held liable if it can be proven that they served alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person who then caused harm to themselves or others. The key purpose of these laws is to reduce drunk driving accidents and enhance public safety by imposing a duty of care on establishments serving alcohol.

Examples of negligent service include continuing to serve a patron who is slurring their speech, staggering, or showing other clear signs of intoxication. Courts consider various factors in determining liability, such as the amount of alcohol served, the time period over which it was consumed, and the establishment’s training and policies on alcohol service. Establishing these elements can be complex, but they are crucial in holding negligent establishments accountable for their role in drunk driving incidents.

How a Seasoned Lawyer Can Help

Our team can help you navigate the complexities of dram shop laws, leveraging our nearly 20 years of experience to guide you through every step of the legal process. We understand the nuances of these laws and can provide the legal expertise needed to establish liability. From determining if a bar or restaurant served alcohol to an intoxicated person to proving that this led to a drunk driving accident, we know what it takes to build a compelling case. Our personalized approach ensures that we understand your unique situation and can tailor our strategies to best serve your needs.

We also assist with gathering crucial evidence and representing you in negotiations and court proceedings. Building a strong case requires detailed documentation and expert testimonies, and our team is adept at collecting and presenting this information effectively. Whether negotiating a settlement or advocating for you in court, we are dedicated to fighting for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we pride ourselves on providing the personalized representation and dedicated support that makes a difference in your case.

Injured in an Accident? We Can Help Today

Navigating the complexities of dram shop laws and holding a bar or restaurant accountable for a drunk driving accident can be challenging. At the Law Office of Shane McClelland, PLLC, we bring nearly 20 years of experience to help you through this process. We take pride in offering personalized representation tailored to your unique situation. Our firm is dedicated to gathering the necessary evidence, building a strong case, and advocating for your rights in negotiations and court proceedings.

We understand the impact a drunk driving accident can have on your life, and we’re committed to helping you seek the resolution and compensation you deserve. Our client-focused approach ensures you receive the attention and care needed throughout your case. Contact us today at (713) 987-7107 or through our contact form to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you.